Find a comfortable space that you can sit or lie down in without interruption for about 45 minutes.
Cover yourself with a light throw, blanket or cardigan as you may feel chilly, even on a warm day.
Before you settle down, sit or stand with your feet firmly placed on the ground, bare foot if possible although socks are fine. If you are laying down imagine your feet being planted firmly on the ground.
Gently place both hands on top of, or just above your head.
Take two or three deep calming breaths; push your belly out as you breathe in then squish it back in as you exhale. Breathe the air out slowly through your mouth.
On the third breath out set the intention to shift into a healing state. Think about something positive which brings you great joy and places love in your heart.
Say to yourself, or out loud 'I am ready to receive the Reiki energy being sent to me.'
None of the above are critical to the efficacy of Reiki, but the routine gives a clear break from
what you were doing before. If you have to move or get interrupted it isn't a problem, but ideally you want to be able to just enjoy the process.
Set a silent timer on your phone to rouse you; sometimes you may feel the session end naturally
As you come back to yourself after the session you may feel a touch disorientated or even lightheaded so give yourself some time to adjust and come back to the awareness of the room.
Reiki is detoxifying (including emotional toxins) so drink plenty of water to help remove the toxins. It is also helpful to have a biscuit or piece of dark chocolate after the session.
You may not feel anything at all during the session, on the other hand you may feel variations in temperature, tingling or twitches. This is all perfectly normal. Whatever your experience is be assured the Reiki is working; and after repeated sessions its cumulative effects will be evident.

It is important to remember that
energy follows intention
If you recall the analogy about Wi-Fi, you'll remember that setting the intention to connect and the transfer of energy is all that it takes to receive remote Reiki. Skip back to the reference here.
When you have had several Reiki sessions, it is possible to think yourself into your Reiki zone. This is a wonderful way of tapping into your own ability to heal, and as Reiki energy surrounds us, it is sometimes possible to pick up on that, too.
Imagine yourself in the Reiki studio receiving the wonderful flow of energy from your practitioner. Think about the sensations you experience while you are there.
Gently place both hands on top of, or just above your head.
Take the three grounding breaths as you do with your practitioner.
On the third breath out set the intention to shift into a healing state.
Think about something positive which brings you great joy and places love in your heart.
It may take a while to get into the zone, but the more you practise it, the easier it becomes. Don’t become disheartened or distracted if you can’t relax at first, just keep coming back to it little and often until you get into the swing of it.