Day 8 | Date: July 12th, 2021 Time: 1400 - 1450 Steps: 3,478 |
Today we went adventuring, in the most exciting way possible… according to Sarah. She’s easily pleased, so don’t hold your breath. That said, I was happy to be going back into the field opposite once again, because I just love it there! Both Keith and Sarah were a little jaded this morning due to the late night ball kicking malarkey and all the shouting they did at the TV box; they were up and about, but neither were really awake. I had to endure Sarah back on the yoga mat trying her downward dogs, but she can’t nail it like I can. She’s alright, I suppose, but she doesn’t look as proud as I do when I do it. More red faced and veiny than me too! Credit it where it is due: she does it every day except for weekends and makes a better fist of standing on one leg than I ever could, that’s for sure!
About our adventure. Well, Sarah has struck gold. Not bite in your teeth as though you are a pirate type of gold but chamomile. Apparently, it makes a good drop of tea once you dry the buds out. When we walked to the corner of the field the other day, Sarah stopped and sniffed the air. Once again, I thought she was trying to copy me but soon realised she was genuinely sniffing to smell something. It seemed to please her, so I had a sniff myself and noticed a sweet aroma was filling the air. Unsurprisingly, it smelled flowery, delicate almost fragile somehow. I soon got bored so ferreted about in the oilseed crop she took some photographs, as I have mentioned in an earlier post, and when she got home, she checked them out on the Google machine which confirmed her thoughts. Today, as usual she went armed with little bags for my dumplings but she used one of them to harvest the heads of some of the chamomile plants. She’s going to dry them out and take them to my nanny’s house, which is sweet of her as she knows nanny likes to drink calming tea. For comfort, I like to lick my paws, as it so relaxing. The fur is smooth and the skin warm and tingly and smells of beef; nirvana....I kinda get into a zone when I do it, getting slower and slower before reaching a place of contentment. I feel all Zen and chilled out, it is lush. But each to their own. If she’d rather drink tea than lick her feet, then that's what she must do. According to Sarah, this week will not be as busy and I’m pleased to note there has been some collecting up of the stuff which amassed as she put together her bits and bobs for the farmer’s market. You never know, she may even get around to finishing the bathroom wall, but I won’t be too hasty in suggesting this as a possibility! Peace, man, and enjoy your toes you should try it, you really should! Until tomorrow, woof woof! x Sign up to receive the blog by email here